Sunday, February 8, 2009

When did HE grow up?!

Just wanted to do a shout out and announcement for my little bro. First of all, I need to start with the fact that I think I am in denial that this is even happening. My LITTLE brother apparently is old enough to go and get married. I don't know if you know my brother, but he's kind of....weird. I mean that in the nicest form of the word. It really is a compliment. I look up to him and he is a hero of mine. Somehow, he convinced this lovely young lady that she could handle that weirdness for time and all eternity. So, congratulations Spencer and Ashley on your engagement. March 14 is just around the corner.

1 comment:

Rachelle said...

I know I am still trying to grasp it. crazy crazy crazy Spencer is gettin hitched.